Blog, Packaging, Shrink

Things to Consider While Buying Packaging

The selection of packaging products that are beneficial in the storage, transportation, sale and use of your products is very important in terms of both protection and aesthetics. It also facilitates your operations such as transportation, storage and distribution by keeping the products together in order to attract attention from the outside and make the sale happen.

In order to differentiate from your competitors in all respects, we must pay attention to some aspects of packaging selection. Attention should be paid to the characteristics of the product to be packaged, packaging material, shelf life and packaging method. Correctly packaged products will be protected at the maximum level from physical damage such as impact, injury, wetting. To list the necessary issues;

  • Packaging is selected according to the size, volume, mass, chemical properties, density and physical condition of the product.
  • Durable products are preferred by calculating the transportation, storage times and the time that the product will remain in the package.
  • Packaging should be chosen according to the method of filling or packaging

Function of the packaging process

Packaging is done to protect the quality and content of each product we buy. The packaging process varies according to the shape and characteristics of the product to be packaged. The products with sharp edges due to their shape may use auxiliary equipment during packaging. For example, a plastic corner protector should be used in a product to be packed in a circle. equipment is produced durable enough to withstand the weight of the product. Packaging has benefits other than protective benefits, some of which are

  • Hygiene: Ensuring that the product is opened for the first time by the consumer and that the product does not pose a health threat
  • Quality: Since the packaging carries the manufacturer’s design and corporate identity, it provides preliminary information.
  • Wrapping: Extending the shelf life or commercial life of the product
  • Transport: Protect the product against possible transport damage
  • Information: Transmitting information about the product content to the consumer

Shrink, Vacuum and hoop buckle

Packaging machines are divided into two as shrink and vacuum. These machines vary according to the equipment used. Therefore, the spare parts are different from these spare parts, the strapping buckle has many sizes such as 12,13,16,19,25,31 mm. Although the sizes are different, the strapping is different. The duty of the buckle is to carry the product from one point to another during packaging. Cember buckles are designed for long-term use and are quite durable.

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